Monday, November 3, 2008

Is This Important?

On this, the last day before an historic election, I found this. A misspelled word, in very large type, in a McCain campaign television ad. Do you think this is important? Or just a sad reflection of a campaign in the last throes of defeat, overlooking the details? It's probably the latter, but I think it says something about how the country might be run if McCain were to somehow pull off an upset (perish the thought!). When you are governing the most powerful nation on the planet, all of the details are important. How many people looked at this ad before it went out? Does this say something about the dumbing-down of the electorate, now that an intellectually challenged hockey mom can garner popular support as a VP candidate because voters like the fact that she is just like them? I don't know about you, but I don't want to elect someone like me. I want leaders that are much smarter than I am for this very complex and challenging job.

It's important!

Please get out there and VOTE!

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