Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Day After

Wow! What a victory for Obama, and really for the whole world. I am listening to the Thom Hartmann show on Air America, and he is taking calls from all over the globe this morning. Everyone, from every nation, is saying the same thing: we are celebrating here. I know that my friends in Uganda, Kenya, Finland and elsewhere are celebrating also. The world still looks to America as a shining example, and the media worldwide have given unprecedented coverage to this election. In Obama's triumph, the world sees hope and freedom, and the expectation that our tarnished image can be restored to its former distinction. I am hearing African-American pundits say that growing up, their parents told them, "You can be anything you want, except President." That wall has come crashing down. It's wonderful. I am grateful that the Republican campaign was not successful in frightening Americans into voting against their best interests, and the interests of people everywhere.

Yes we did.


christina said...

Congrats!! I know how important this election has been in your life for the past few months. A funny: today we were at rehearsal for a holiday play that was nearly cancelled this past week. The director asked us if we'd be willing to adopt "yes we can" as our new cast motto :) The whole world is saying that right now!

Shawn4lia said...

Thanks! I don't envy the huge task before him. But he is definitely the best person for the job.